General Restrictions for Installations
For the benefit of future generations the preservation of the delicate fabric of Wells Cathedral is paramount, and the many demands on this historic sacred space must be balanced. For these reasons the following restrictions apply (and proposals that disregard them will not be selected):
No fixings (screws, nails etc. ) to be made into the structure or the floor.
No adhesive tape to be fixed to the structure or the floor.
No blu-tak or similar to be used.
Free-standing works must be reasonably stable.
Powered (sound/light/video) installation can be accommodated in principle but the following must be borne in mind:
There are very few mains power sockets in the cathedral!
All equipment required must be supplied by the artist.
If equipment uses mains power and is not brand new, it must be made available prior to installation for PAT (electrical safety) testing.
For safety reasons equipment will be switched off over night. Installations must therefore have simple instructions for our stewards to restart them each morning.
Note that dimensions given on the site photographs are for guidance only and may not be exact. If your installation relies on a particular dimension and you are unable to visit the site yourself please contact the WAC team to get that dimension double-checked.